Insights With Rabbi Jeff | Zechariah 8:1 – 7
The 8th chapter of Zechariah begins with a declaration of His passion for His people,Israel. It needs to be recognized that God’s Covenant is not merely some Divine whim passing momentarily. When Adonai called Avram in Genesis 12:1-3, Avram was being asked to do something people of that culture and of that era never did-leave…
Insights With Rabbi Jeff | Zechariah 7
The seventh chapter of Zechariah wrestles with a major issue, not only with this book, but the prophets and Scripture in general, the issue of religious practice versus true faith. Some men were sent to the prophet to ask if they should continue to observe the fast wherein they mourned for the destruction of the…
Insights With Rabbi Jeff | Zechariah 6
The sixth chapter of Zechariah continues with the major theme of Adonai’s having retained His vision of Israel as His covenant people with all the bells and whistles He had ever had in mind for them, not diminishing their place because of their historic failings and flaws; His ultimate Plan would incorporate means and methods …
Insights With Rabbi Jeff | Zechariah 5
Most of the time, the prophecy of Zechariah 5 is good news, but, for a brief moment, the tone changes in chapter 5. The Kingdom of Judah, not to mention the northern Kingdom of Israel, had sinned severely, leading to exile from the Land, Eretz Yisrael. When the promised 70-years of exile elapsed, the equally …
Insights With Rabbi Jeff | Zechariah 4: “Sons of Fresh Oil”
Zechariah 4 Continued ( 3rd installment ) We are paying extra attention to chapter 4 because of its centrality to the message of the overall book. To briefly review, Zechariah sees a vision of the Temple’s menorah, a seven-branched lamp made of a single chunk of hammered gold. However, he sees an addition to the …
Insights With Rabbi Jeff | Zechariah 4 Continued
Our most recent look at Zechariah focused on the appearance of the golden M’norah in Zechariah’s vision in chapter 4. In verse 6, we get a glimpse of the focus of the general message of the prophetic vision contained in this chapter, to this writer the key chapter of the entire book. As stated in …
Enemies Against Israel
As we see more and more enemies mounting against Israel in these latter days, I am reminded of King Hezekiah’s response against Senachariv. When King Senachariv, king of Assyria entered Judah and planned to make war against Jerusalem to win it all over to himself, King Hezekiah strengthened himself. He consulted with his leaders and…
Insights With Rabbi Jeff | Zechariah 4
Any study of the book of Zechariah has to take into account and factor the history of the Kingdom and people of Judah and Jerusalem in the century prior to the giving of the prophecy. The people had sinned so severely that they had been conquered and exiled to Babylon . A people who thought …
Insights With Rabbi Jeff | Zechariah 1
Zechariah was a postexilic prophet, a spokesman for God to the people of Israel fresh from the return from exile in Babylon. The underlying and undergirding question of the book is, “God has allowed us to come home, but, will the relationship be the same? Can we still count on Him to do miracles as …
Insights With Rabbi Jeff | Zechariah 2
After laying the groundwork in chapter 1 for the declaration of His true intentions for Israel in the wake of the return from Babylonian exile, the Lord continues in concrete terms in chapter 2 to make clear that there should be no doubt. The chapter opens with an angelic figure appearing with a measuring line,…